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Our mission is to make disciples who hunger after God and pursue the called life.
We are a diverse community of Jesus’ disciples who are committed to passionately living out faith in authentic community. We don’t want to just come to church, we want to be the church – the living and breathing embodiment of Jesus on earth. We’re not here to just attend or do our time - we want to know Him for ourselves!
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Home: About
Making disciples and being a disciple is not a program. It’s a lifestyle of following Jesus well. In the whole history of the world, there has never been so extraordinary and compelling a life as Jesus'. He is God come near to us so we don’t have to wonder what He’s like, guess at how we might know Him, or grovel in humiliating drudgery. He invites us to have an actual relationship with Him - and that’s our prize and joy! Being Jesus’ disciple means living a life of responsive obedience to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s leading.
At our church, we want to hunger for God. We believe it’s a mark of genuine spiritual maturity – that we find our greatest satisfaction in God, yet we hunger to know him more. And the more you know God, inevitably, you begin to share in His compassionate call to love the world like He does. So we’d love for you to join us to get to know Jesus for yourself; connect with others in spiritual partnership; and to participate in what God is doing in the world.
See you soon,
Pastor Paul

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